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Picture of Cindi Meyersohn

Cindi Meyersohn

President of DataRebels, LLC. Data Vault 2.0 Certified Instructor; M.S. Systems Engineering; Passionate about life; Dedicated to my amazing family and friends; Enjoying the journey.

Data Vault

Data Vault – The Sole Survivor

If you’re familiar with data warehousing, you know all about the Star Schema model. Introduced in 1996, the dimensional model contains a central fact table with other dimensional tables acting as points of the star.[1] This model has long been a standard in warehousing, but today, roughly thirty years later, its age and limits are

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Data Vault

Moving Beyond the Data-Driven Enterprise

Do you really want your business or enterprise to be data–driven? Before you say, “Of course we do. Companies that do not embrace a data-driven approach to competition, market strategy, and process improvement will become extinct.”

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